
Womens flowers & butterflies


A pretty handmade card for women of any age featuring a bouquet of 3d paper roses and butterflies. You can personalise with any printed message and have the design made in any favourite colour. You can have the wording printed in any type font.

Colour of design :
Verse inside card :
Personalised message on front :
Changes required to the design :

Product Description

A pretty handmade card for women of any age featuring a bouquet of 3d paper roses and butterflies. You can personalise with any printed message and have the design made in any favourite colour. You can have the wording printed in any type font.

The card has a blank insert page but if you would like a verse printed inside free of charge please compose your own and email it.

You can opt to have your card enveloped or boxed via the drop downs.

You can order a keepsake box or party guest book to match the design of your card.